Data Backup

Data Backup Solutions for Your Business

To keep your data safe you need to back them up and backing them up offsite is the best way to ensure their safety.

What would happen if you lost all your e-mails?  Your photos, videos, music, projects or documents?  All your financial records?  Or your complete database?  What would happen if you lost your Pastel or Evolution or CRM database?

Statistics tells us that 31% of all computer users have lost all their files at one time or other time in their lives.  This can happen in a myriad of ways – not just through hard disk crashes, accidental deletion, physical damage, theft, fire, viruses, etc.

Over 60% of companies who experience such loss are out of business within 6 months.  Most people don’t backup properly – either because it takes too much time and effort, they do not know how to do it, or the systems required cost too much.  For those that do backup – the backup is usually inadequate – rarely done on a daily basis and rarely taken offsite for security purposes.

Azure Backup Solutions

What We Can Offer You

Compelling Cloud Based Backup Alternative To Tape

Due to business or compliance requirements, organisations are required to protect their data for years and over time the data grows exponentially.  Traditionally, tape has been used for long-term retention.  Backup gives you a compelling alternative to tape with significant cost savings, shorter recovery times and up to 99 years of retention.

Secure And Reliable Backup As A Service

Your backup data is highly secure over the wire and at rest. The backup data is stored in geo-replicated storage which maintain six copies of your data across two data centres.  With 99.9% service availability, backup give you operational peace of mind.

Efficient and Flexible Structured Cabling Design

Backup is efficient over the network and on your disk.  Once the initial seeding is complete, only incremental changes are sent at a defined frequency.  Built-in features such as compression, encryption, longer retention and bandwidth throttling help boost IT efficiency.

Site Recovery with Microsoft

Automated Protection

Automated Protection

Protect your environment by automating the replication of the virtual machines, based on policies that you set and control.  Azure Site Recovery can protect Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware and physical servers and you can use Azure or your secondary data centre as your recovery site.  Site Recovery coordinates and manages the ongoing replication of data by integrating with existing technologies, including System Center and Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn.

Disaster Recovery

Disaster Recovery (DRaaS)

Use Site Recovery to automate the recovery of services when a site outage happens at the primary data centre.
Applications can be brought up in an orchestrated fashion to help restore service quickly, even for complex multi-tier workloads. Easily create disaster recovery plans in the Microsoft Azure classic portal, where they are stored. The disaster recovery plans can be as simple or advanced as your business requirements demand, including the execution of customised Windows PowerShell scripts and Azure Automation runbooks and pauses for manual interventions. Customise networks by mapping virtual networks between the primary and recovery sites, and test disaster recovery plans whenever you want without disrupting the services at your primary location.

Microsoft Azure

Recovery With Azure

Replicate your workloads to Azure and enable new capabilities. Applications can be migrated to Azure with just a few clicks, or burst to Azure temporarily when you encounter a surge in demand. Run reports and analytics on copies of production workloads in Azure without affecting customers. DevTest new versions of applications with copies of live data, then seamlessly put the new version into production in your data centre.

Health Monitoring With Site Recovery

Health Monitoring with Site Recovery

Site Recovery monitors the state of your protected instances continuously and remotely from Azure. When replicating between two sites that you control, your virtual machines’ data and replication stays on your networks. All communication with Azure is encrypted. When replicating to Azure as the secondary site, your data is encrypted, and you can also select encryption for data at rest.